SLK Serving Aces for Sarcoma USTA U10 Earned Advancement Tennis Tournament
The U10 JuniorTennis program, sponsored by the United States Tennis Association, is a great partner for this event. USTA U10 Junior Tennis is an exciting new play format for learning tennis, designed to bring kids into the game by utilizing specialized equipment, shorter court dimensions and modified scoring, all tailored to age and size. It is divided into two different levels; ages eight and under and ages ten and under.
USTA U10 Junior Tennis - It’s the fast, fun way to introduce “The Next Generation”© to tennis -- and keep them playing.
Click Here to register for the USTA U10 Tennis Tournament ID: 850005517
Friday, July 14, 2017 - Green Ball 5pm
Saturday, July 15, 2017 - Red and Orange Ball 12pm - 3pm and Green Ball
Sunday, July 16, 2017 - Green Ball Finals

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